The VST survey  will cover 64 square degree in two bands (V and  V narrow)  centered at  R.A. =  2h26m,  dec. = -04o 30' (Epoch = 2000.0). One sixth  of the field will be observed also in the R and z narrow filters.  The same field will be the target of  the proposed XMM Large Scale Structure Survey.and of follow up spectroscopic studies performed by the survey consortium.

The VST-OAC Survey is aimed to sample equal volumes of the universe at the same restframe wavelength and depth.

The XMM Large Scale Structure consortium, which includes OAC, is in charge of  detecting clusters in the VST-XMM survey area through X-ray observation and of collecting redshifts.

Planned VST optical observations coupled with X-ray and UV observations for the same field (provided by XMM), spectroscopic determination of redshifts, and optical follow-up's for clusters in the observed volume of Universe, will provide an unique opportunity to study the rest-frame properties of the objects in the field of view.

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