Projects & Research (in 2004!)

Bayesian Methods
Tired to see in astronomical papers fun things like: negative numbers of galaxies, fractions below 0 or larger than 1, completeness larger than 100 %, and other funnities? Applications of bayesian methods to galaxy evolutionary studies can be found papers  # (44), 45, 46, 48, and 49 in my list of publications, if you are interested in. Give a look to my inference page too.

XMM-LSS public The homepage of the project. The CFHT Legacy Survey is observing the XMM-LSS sky region.
XMM-LSS OIGW (passwd restricted) The homepage of Optical Imaging Working Group of the XMM-LSS consortium,  chaired by Y. Mellier and myself. 
XMM-LSS XID  The homepage of the X identification Working Group of the XMM-LSS consortium, chaired by myself. Some public examples of cluster identification are here and here and here
VST-OAC survey of  XMM-LSS (superseeded by a National VST survey) [see also activity report 98-99 & talk ]

The SIRTF (Spitzer) Wide-area InfraRed Extragalactic Survey (SWIRE). I reduced gri wide field images taken at the 5 m Palomar telescope with the LFC mosaic camera of the 02h -5d (XMM-LSS) area and I also did my own reduction of IRAC images. My first scientific use of Spitzer data can be found in paper #46  of my list of publications.



Artificial Intelligence in Astronomy
Artificial intelligence has several potential applications in astronomy. Two of them have been tackled by a Napoli-Salerno team.
NExt Neural Extractor , is an algorithm using unsupervised neural network for object detection in wide field optical images, including extensions for multi-band data. A further neural network classes the detected objects in stars and galaxies. Give a look at the paper #23 in my list of publications, if you are interested in.
Neural redshift An obvious application of neural network to a difficult (from the astronomical point of view) or simple (from the information theory point of view) problem: the determination of the redshift by using only photometric informations. Give a look at the paper #30 in my list of publications, if you are interested in. Click here for an application to SDSS EDR.



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