Comparison between K-band and I-band catalogues on  F2200

--1 Adding an artificial star image FWHM = 0".8 arcsecs to the 
        real image (K or I band) the following completeness values are obtained:


From these two plots, 90% completeness values are I_AB = 24.0 and K_Vega = 21.0 .
It should be remembered though that at K_Vega > 21.00 for this field contamination
rate becomes higher than 10%, suggesting that the scientific analysis for the K-band
data in this field should be limited to K_Vega < 21.00. 

--2  Number of objects in SExtractor catalogues (in overlapping area, 89.3 sq arcmins,
         limits defind here):

               I-band    -->   4039 in total,   1903  down to I_AB < 24.0 .
               K-band  -->   5886 in total,   2135  down to K_Vega < 21.0 .

      Pairing according to Ra and Dec between the two catalogues results in 2544 objects
      in common, 1495 unpaired I-band objects, 3342 unpaired K-band objects.

--3  Magnitude distribution of paired(blue)/unpaired(red)/total(grey) objects in the
        I-band and K-band catalogues :

                        I-band                                                                K-band

        One can see that down to the respective 90% completeness limit the percentage
        of paired objects is slightly higher for I-band than for K-band:

               I-band   -->  @ I_AB < 24.0 :       1710 are paired (90%) and  193 are unpaired (10%)
               K-band  -->  @ K_Vega < 21.0:  1697 are paired (79%) and   438 are unpaired (21%)

        A visual inspection of the 438 bright (K_Vega < 21.0), unpaired, K-band objects
        shows that most of these are bona-fide objects with no visible I-band counterparts.
        (click here for an image gallery of interesting cases).  Down to K_Vega < 20.75 (78 objs)
        the percentage of reliable K-band unpaired detections is as high as 90%. 

--4  Recipe for adding the K-band info into the database.

          We have three different cases:

           a --   2544 paired objects: for them the K-band info should simply be added in
                      the database.  Here is the file that contains the IDs of these objects in
                      the database and their full K-band Sextractor  information (usual format).
                     The K-band photometric info contained in this file should go into the

           b --  1495 unpaired I-band objects: for them in the database we should
                     put  Kmag=99.00, meaning no K-band detection. Here is the file that
                     contains the IDs of these objects in the database.

           c --  3332 unpaired K-band objects: I would keep * only * those with K_Vega < 21.0.
                   These 438 objects should be added to the database. Here is the file that contains 
                   their full  K-band Sextractor  information. In order to attribute to them a sensible
                    I band magnitude, I did run SExtractor on the B-V-I-band image using the K-band
                    image as a reference one, and here are the files (for B, V, and I bands), with the
                    full Sextractor information for these  objects.

 Page written:  May 11 2004