Comparison Millennium vs DEEP and VVDS data

This document presents a short comparison of the properties of groups in the Millennium simulations (MS) and those of the catalogue of groups presented by Gerke et al. 2005.

We used 6 MS cones, totalling 11.76 sq degs and considered two magnitude limited samples: at I_AB <= 24.0 (VVDS like) and R<=24.1 (DEEP2 like).

We extracted from the MS - DEEP2 like samples two further catalogues for each cone:

PLOT # 1

    PLOT # 2 & #3

PLOT #5 & #6

The most obvious difference is the smaller number of groups after redshift ~1 in the MS, even when considering the simply magnitude limited sample, whereas the Yan et al. (2003) simulations predict a non negligible number of groups even at z ~ 1.4. One should also remember that the After mask-making sample is still optimistic with respect to the final observed sample, where the further 70% incompleteness in measuring redshifts should be considered.

Therefore there seem to be a discrepancy between DEEP2 data (and the mocks they used) and the MS mocks in predicting the number of groups at z >1.

The discrepancy is roughly a factor ~ 2 in the redshift range 0.7 – 1.0, and is more pronounced at higher redshift.

More to come on this page, following a possible empirical recipe, suggested by M. Kitzbichler, that could help to resolve this discrepancy....
Here are the results obtained by applying the brightening of satellite galaxies (Type 1 and 2).  The discrepancy becomes less pronounced but it is still present.

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