Bayesian Methods for the Physical Sciences
by Stefano Andreon
You need in advance: a) to be able of drawing plots and make simple operations on numbers and vectors, and b) that JAGS runs on your computer. JAGS user manual is here. See my notes here. Files, to
test your reading of JAGS output, are here: CODAchain1.txt and CODAindex.txt.
Working program.
Lecture 1)
Probability axioms (inclusive of marginalization & the bad it may occurs following other rules). Top-model & neutrino mass. Neutrino
mass upper limit. Introduction to JAGS.
Student work: compute neutrino mass upper limit, with
informative prior, and with a sloppy mass prior. Small role of the prior where the likelihood is very near to zero.
Lecture 2)
Poisson (count) model. Combining different measurements. Binomial
model. Again on the prior: the precise shape does not matter, but its
shape does, alias the Malmquist/Eddington bias (i.e. the Bayes theorem
re-discovered two hundred years later).
Multi-parameters models. Source plus background (both Poisson).
Combining different measurements of a source flux with different
background levels.
Student work: use JAGS to compute the posterior for a Poisson and a Binomial model (dry merger rate).
Lecture 3)
Measuring the intrinsic scatter, from data with
heteroscedastic (different from point to point) errors. Comparison with
state-of-art standard, Robust. Introduction to
regression. Remember selection effects! Do you regress for
predicting, to infer the parameters, or for establishing if a
trend is there?
Student work: 1) compute the posterior for source plus background model by
combining different measurements; 2) compute the cluster velocity
dispersion using these Data. 3)
test teacher statements, computing by yourself E(x|y), E(y|x) from
this sample,
generated with JAGS. Its CODAindex
is here.
Lecture 4)
Regression. 1) Starting easy: no error on predictor, no intrinsic scatter:
completeness. 2) No error on predictor variable, heteroscedastic errors on
y, and instrinsic scatter: Has the constant of fine structure changed?
Data courtesy of Molaro et al. (2010).
Lecture 5)
Regression, full problem: heteroscedastic errors on x, y, and instrinsic
scatter: Magorrian relation, using these
data. Mixture of regressions (i.e. regressions in presence of a
contaminating population). Final exercise, to be performed completely
alone (no hints, no suggestions): make the analysis of my paper, Andreon (2010, MNRAS, 407,
263) using the data.
Compute the stellar baryon fraction and its dependence with mass.
Intrinsic scatter is there, heteroscedastic errros, different sample for
different measurements, i.e. the routine astronomical job.
Student work: Compute
how the mass of clusters depends on richness, using data
from Andreon & Hurn
(2010, MNRAS, 404, 1922).
Give a look to my
book , and maybe to my homepage.
The lectures will hold during March-May 2015 to PhD students, post-doc and stuff of the Universita' degli
Studi di Padova, Universita' degli Studi di Bologna and open to all people if registered (mail to
Stefano Andreon).