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OAS > Minor Planet (4695) Mediolanum

Sormano Astronomical Observatory
"Sormano2-Bellagio Via Lattea"
Minor Planet (4695) Mediolanum

Minor Planet (4695) Mediolanum

Minor Planet (4695) Mediolanum

Minor Planet (4695) Mediolanum, animation of CCD images taken on December 21. 2017 at Sormano2-Bellagio Via Lattea
dedicated to the Latin name of Milano

(4695) Mediolanum
Mediolanum is the Latin name of Milano, city placed in the North of Italy. In 1861 G. V. Schiaparelli discovered (69) Hesperia from the Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera. Name suggested by S. Baroni and S. Foglia.
(MPC 84377)
Discovery site : La Silla
Discoverer(s) : Debehogne, H.

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Web Curators: F. Manca, M. Carpino
Last modified: December 28, 2017