Stefano Andreon Personal Page

- I was born in 1965 in Chieti, Italy.


Present position :  Permanent staff researcher of the INAF-Osservatorio di Brera, Milano, Italy

INAF-Osservatorio di Brera
Via Brera 28
20121 Milano
tel : +39 02 72320324
fax : +39 02 72001600


Titles & Degrees

*1999, September, 1. Permanent staff (researcher) position at OAC 
*1996, October, 29. Italian title of "Dottore di ricerca" 
*1996, April, 9 PhD in Astrophysics with full marks and honours at Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées (Toulouse, France). Thesis subject: Les propriétés des galaxies par type morphologique dans différents environnements (Galaxy properties as a function of the morphological type and of the environment) (research director: E. Davoust). abs
*1993, September, 6-9 Doctoral school: "School of cosmology", Luminy (Marseille), France 
*1990, November, 28. "Laurea" (degree) in physics (Astrophysical orientation). Dissertation subject: Le galassie dominanti degli ammassi e l'ambiente circostante: uno studio fotometrico (Brightest cluster galaxies and their environment: a photometric study) (research director: D. Maccagni & G. Chincarini)



*1998 IAU
*1998 GOHSS Science Comittee 
*1996 SFSA (Socie'te' Francaise des spe'cialistes en astronomie)


Awarded fellowships

* Mai 1998. European Community, Training and Mobility of Researchers Programme
* March 1998.  Post-doctoral at Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte
* January 1998.  Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera
* February 1997. European Community, Training and Mobility of Researchers Programme
* June 1996. Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte
* June 1995. Consiglio Nazionale delle Richerche
* July 1994. Università degli Studi di Padova
* Mai 1993. French Ministry of Foreign Affairs
* July 1992. French Ministry of Foreign Affairs

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